Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My favorite thing to draw, nude women. (well that and zombies.)
My fatboy kitte Sherbert.
Abe Lincoln.
Brock Samson.

This guy is based of of a Doug Meyer idea, he's called Tractor-Beam.
Casper vs. cthulhu
Well we're about a week away from Mid-Ohio con which I will be attending. I was a bit shaky as to whether I was going to be able to go or not. But I guess luck has shined my way. I'll be sharing a table with Doug Meyer, and Mike maydak. The drawings I have above are from an email art challenge I am involved in. Their is a group of us who draw something based on whatever challenge is given to us the Sunday before. its a blast seeing how each of us approach the subject matter. By the way, when your done reading this blog. Go check out my homie and fellow artist Paul Jurczak's blog http://www.pauljurczak.blogspot.com/

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