Sunday, November 20, 2022

I have only a few rules in life.. Never day drink bourbon with an empty stomach at a Lexington Comic con, never start a fight with a dude that has cauliflower ears, and never ever turn down the chance to work with Cory Corcoran. The Texas gentleman creates some of the most inventive and exciteing zines/ comix out there, and I'm always excited when I'm asked to contribute. THis illustration is for the upcoming issue of Skree. Here's a link to the rest of his books. So about our second illustration with the old man with a chainsaw crotch. I've been prepping to write a new movie script for a project called " Six Dead Hookers on Ice." It's a sleazy throw-back to 70's slashers. But hopefully amongst the gore and grime, it delivers an actual story with a lot to say. To help get the ball rolling I've designed one of the sick twisted villians in the film.

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