Sketch cards done for a charity art show at a local comic shop. Here is the info about the show.
Blue Line is sponsoring a Sketch Card Gallery Exhibiton March 8, 2008 at Comics2Games in Florence,Kentucky. This show is open to all artists. Blue Linewill send sketch cards for the artist to do theirillustrations and Comics2Games will set up the displayfor the event. The Exhibit will be up all day with aget-together with some of the artists from 5 to 8pmthat evening. Then, after the show, the cards will beauctioned on eBay with the proceeds donated to theAmerican Cancer Society. Cancer has touched the lives and families of so manyartists and writers, faced with fighting this terribledisease. So, consider taking the time to illustrate afew cards for a good cause. Blue Line is supplying thesketch cards for the show and will mail blank cards toartists upon request to illustrate for this event.The cards can feature most any characters (includingyour own) with some exceptions on licensed propertiessuch as Star Wars. For more information to contact Comics2Games at (859)647-7568 you can contact Jeremy Bell atjeremyb@comics2cars.com on how you or an artist youknow can participate in the event for this worthycause!Pass the word along to all the message boards, groups,bulletin boards and other outlets you know. Help thefight against cancer and participate in this sketchcard event! Bill NicholsEditor, Sketch Magazinewww.bluelinepro.com